NET Cancer Health Storylines

by Health Storylines

Health & Fitness


Developed in partnership with the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation (CCF), the free NET Cancer Storylines app gives you the power to manage your health and share information and questions with your doctor, particularly between visits.There are many health tools to help you better monitor your health – whether you are newly diagnosed, currently receiving treatment, or on surveillance:TOOL LIBRARYChoose from a variety of tools -- including Zebra Tales, NET Nutrition, the Healing Music Box, and Guided Meditation -- so you can customize the app to meet your needs. Many users have found the Stool Diary (available from the Tool Library) useful in helping them track their bowel patterns and triggers.FOOD DIARYDocument what foods may be triggering symptoms such as flushing or diarrhea. This, in conjunction with NET Nutrition, helps you choose and prepare the right foods to help address your symptoms. MEDICATION REMINDERTaking your prescribed medications on schedule is an essential part of overall self-care. Keep your mind at ease by receiving reminders on your mobile device for taking your medications.DAILY MOODS AND JOURNALTrack and understand your emotions and what might be driving them. Keep a daily journal as this is proven to promote well-being.SYNC A DEVICEImport data from other health and fitness apps that you use for easy access to all of your information in one place.By using NET Cancer Storylines, you also have the opportunity to anonymously contribute to the healthcare industry’s efforts to find better care and treatment options for people like you. NET Cancer Storylines is developed in partnership with the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation and is powered by the Health Storylines™ platform from Self Care Catalysts Inc.